Kicking of the semester
GA To-Do List:
- [ ] Schedule a weekly 30 minute meeting with Data Ambassadors
- [ ] Book conference room once a time is solidified
- [ ] Schedule a weekly 30 minute/1 hour meeting with Dr. Howard and Product Developers
- [ ] Book conference room once a time is solidified
- [ ] For fall semester only
- [ ] Add all interns to Slack, Box, Notion and WaveSync
- [ ] On Slack, create new #all-interns and individual program channels for the year
- [ ] On Notion, set up orientation deck and assign to DAC members
- [ ] On Box, make sure that interns have access to just their respective teams
- [ ] Create a Lab Cohort form to collect LinkedIn, Headshot, major and pronouns and assign to DAC members
- [ ] Share with Communications team (Joey and Cameron) for uploading to the CAIDS website
- [ ] Draft a semester plan for DAC tasks based on ‣
- [ ] Based on DAC availability, choose 1-2 hours to be available in the lab and share with the team
PD To-Do List:
- [ ] Schedule a weekly 30 minute meeting with Data Research Interns
- [ ] Book conference room once a time is confirmed
- [ ] Send an email to all project partners to set up a meeting time and discuss the project plan for the school year
- [ ] Meetings should be monthly or bi-monthly depending on the project
- [ ] For fall semester only
- [ ] On Notion, set up orientation deck and assign to DRI members
- [ ] Assign Lab Cohort form to DRI members